4 min read
“we were never created, we always just were.” Just as the Source Creator always was and will always be, so are we because we come from Sourc
Brandi Mazesticeon
4 min read
A Total Eclipse of the (Lion) Heart (ed)
SUPER FULL BLUE BLOOD MOON IN LEO This beginning month of 2018 is capped on both ends with a full moon; but not just any ole’ full moon,...
Brandi Mazesticeon
4 min read
How to (Human) Be(ing) in a world of Human Doings Part 1
The key lies in who you are being. No matter the problem, the answer is in who you’re being. Wherever you ask the question ‘How’? The ans
Brandi Mazesticeon
2 min read
Choose Love.
Our thoughts are literally choosing our reality in each moment. There are concurrent realities on the planet NOW and as a multi-dimensional
Brandi Mazesticeon
6 min read
Moving from Duality to Unity Consciousness: The Great Awakening
Your brain works to actively filter out of your perception anything that does not vibrate at the frequency of your individual (brain usage)
Brandi Mazesticeon
5 min read
Balance, Twin Flames and Tornadoes
The Twin Flame dynamic is a sacred reflection of Father/Mother God incarnate upon the Earth.
Brandi Mazesticeon
2 min read
A brief note on the New Moon April 18th
There is a purity of Power that has not been experienced in this dimension. Power in its purest form is a self- actualizing phenomenon.
Brandi Mazesticeon
2 min read
Living into your Fear
What you fear the most is precisely where you have hidden and will experience your greatest power passion and purpose.
Brandi Mazesticeon
3 min read
Duality: the Non-Reality
Now is the time to collectively rediscover the Mystery of the One Life, Lived by the Great Living One. The old fragmented world does not exi
Brandi Mazesticeon
3 min read
Balance: Actualize Ambition
When you look into your life experience, which self is dominant? Regardless of which self you have allowed to dominate your awareness and t