Brandi Mazesticeon
6 min read
Moving from Duality to Unity Consciousness: The Great Awakening
Your brain works to actively filter out of your perception anything that does not vibrate at the frequency of your individual (brain usage)
Brandi Mazesticeon
5 min read
Balance, Twin Flames and Tornadoes
The Twin Flame dynamic is a sacred reflection of Father/Mother God incarnate upon the Earth.
Brandi Mazesticeon
3 min read
Duality: the Non-Reality
Now is the time to collectively rediscover the Mystery of the One Life, Lived by the Great Living One. The old fragmented world does not exi
Brandi Mazesticeon
3 min read
Balance: Actualize Ambition
When you look into your life experience, which self is dominant? Regardless of which self you have allowed to dominate your awareness and t