
Brandi Mazesticeon
4 min read
Who are YOU?
Any thought that you have had about yourself, however deflated or inflated, is not who you are. It is simply a thought. The truth of who you

Brandi Mazesticeon
4 min read
The 5 Laws of Success; and why Everybody should be using them.
Success NEVER happens in a vacuum.

Brandi Mazesticeon
6 min read
Small Business: a BIG deal for Women
Thanks to a lot of brave people doing what they could when they could, the number of women in business has been on the rise in the past deca

Brandi Mazesticeon
4 min read
No! No! NO!
I’m simply pointing out that you’ve settled for less than what you truly desire all because you gave the word NO power over you; when you we

Brandi Mazesticeon
5 min read
How to have what you REALLY want in life.
In essence, when you contrast and compare those you see as successful with those you see as not successful, one of the key underlying differ

Brandi Mazesticeon
3 min read
Black History IS Human History or How to (Human) Be(ing) in World of Human Doing Part 2
I asked my father; what had him join what he calls “The Movement”. His reply “it wasn’t too much a black man could do then – in regards to

Brandi Mazesticeon
2 min read
A brief note on the New Moon April 18th
There is a purity of Power that has not been experienced in this dimension. Power in its purest form is a self- actualizing phenomenon.